Financial Literacy for GovState Students

A college education is one of the most important investments of your lifetime.

At GovState, we want to make sure that you’re on the right financial path. That starts with educating yourself on how to manage your money effectively and make smart financial decisions. The financial choices that you make now, while in college, can have an impact on your life for years to come and set you up for retirement.

Financial literacy is geared towards providing individuals with sound financial knowledge and skills so that they can make informed financial decisions and take effective actions regarding their money management. Additionally, the goal is to positively influence people's core attitudes and beliefs, so that a change in financial behavior can help them reach a future of financial freedom and security.

Welcome to iGrad

With that goal in mind, GovState is thrilled to introduce our students to iGrad!

iGrad is an online financial wellness tool for all GovState students, to help you succeed in college and in life. It answers questions you may not know you should have and the ones you’ve been curious about for a while, like how to manage your money, create a plan to remain (or become) financially healthy, and be prepared for future budgeting, saving and earning potential.

Whether you’re a financial expert or still learning how to budget, iGrad can help. They offer a variety of resources to help you learn in a way that works for you such as:

  • • Crash courses in financial management can help you with everything from understanding how to use a credit card to learning how to build a savings plan and how to invest.
  • • Videos that allow you to dig into topics you’re curious about — and don’t worry about bingeing content, this stuff is as good as gold. From understanding how to complete your FAFSA to explaining everything from insurance to paychecks, these videos are helpful.
  • • More—iGrad also offers in-depth articles, games, webinars and calculators to help you plan ahead and stay on track. If you haven’t set up your account, do it now. Your more financially secure future self will thank you.

To get started on your journey to financial wellness and success, click on the link below to log into iGrad.

Log into iGrad

If you are not a GovState student (and therefore unable to utilize iGrad), or if you’d like to view other financial literacy resources, please check out the links below:

Financial Literacy Links

Check out the links below to help improve your financial literacy!

Informational Articles

Financial Aid Programs: provides a comprehensive list of federal grants and loans eligible to students.

Budgeting in College: A college budget is key to managing your money and ensuring you don't overspend.

Mapping Your Future: Tips and Tricks to help you map your future wisely.

Money Saving Guide

You Can Deal With It: Offers tools to help you successfully manage financial decisions. This site provides information about money management; student loan repayment options, budgeting, and the benefits and dangers of credit cards.

It’s My Money!: provides sustained financial well-being for all individuals and families in the U.S.

Money Management Calculators

Choose to Save: Financial calculators that help you save by the life stage you are in.

Build Your Budget!: Create your personalized spending plan!

Obtain Your Free Credit Report: Did you know that you are entitled to a free credit report every 12 months.

Skill Building Resources

Practical Money Skills: Interactive financial games for the whole family!

Money Mondays: Worksheets, Resources, and Tips to help you build a financially secure future.

Smart Money Links

2023 Money Smart Week Presentations*

Family Budgeting

Instituciones Financieras (Financial Institutions)

Debt Relief

Retirement Plans

*Presentations include English and Spanish captions.


JumpStart Reality Check: Mapping your financial future.

Mint: Managing your money, made simple.

FinAid Annual Budget Calculator: Custom calculators to help you save.


Free Annual Credit Report

Credit Card Payoff Calculator

National Foundation for Credit Counseling(NFCC)

General Personal Finance

Time Magazine: Terrible Financial Advice

Saving for Retirement

AARP Retirement Calculator

Salary Tools and Calculators

Financial Literacy Games

Gen I Revolution

Student Budget Calculator

FAFSA Repayment Estimator

Pay Off Student Loan or Invest Calculator

Your Future Income Calculator