Governors State is committed to student success and student retention. Satisfying prerequisite requirements greatly enhances the likelihood of passing courses, particularly those in the upper division.

Prerequisites are electronically enforced through the registration system. A prerequisite is an academic requirement that students must complete before enrolling in a desired course.

What is a prerequisite?

A prerequisite is an academic requirement that a student must complete before enrolling in an identified course. Examples of prerequisites include a course, or a set of courses, a minimum GPA, or upper-division standing. Prerequisites are usually within the same subject or a related subject as the identified course.

What is a corequisite?

A corequisite is a specific course, or set of courses, that must be taken during the same term as the identified course. Example: Enrolling in a chemistry course lecture and a chemistry lab. The lab is the corequisite of the chemistry course.

Why are prerequisites required?

Prerequisites help ensure that when you enroll in a course, you have some prior knowledge about the subject. They are an indicator of student success in the identified course because it assures that you are fully prepared to complete the course and its assignments.

Where do I find the prerequisites for a course?

There are three places to check course prerequisite information:

  1. At
  2. The GovState 2024-2025 Catalog
  3. In the Search for Sections in myGSU, by clicking on the section name/title.